JULY, 2017


Rachel & Alfonso, 

So happy to be able to share these highlights from your epic day. 

This page is your space to preview the highlight video before others do. Our videos are hosted on a site called Vimeo, and they are private so only you can see your highlight film at this point. At your request we can make the video public so you can share with friends and family.

A few tips that we think will make more for a great viewing experience. 

  • Video: Make sure you watch in high definition - if you click on the "HD" in the lower right corner of the video player it will let you pick your resolution...1080p is the best option
  • Audio: the best experience will come from a good set of speakers connected to a TV or computer...if you don't have those I would recommend using a set of headphones 
  • Finally, watch it several times. Then watch it again. 


When you have viewed it and are ready to download a digital copy please use the link below.

You will be taken to our Vimeo site and you can click on the "Download" button where you'll be given the option to download different versions based on the resolution or video quality. The HD 1080p is the version with the best resolution. The 720p version is still a high-definition video but a slightly smaller file size. I would encourage you to download a copy of each. 




Thanks for being an amazing couple and let us know if you have any questions.

-Taylor | A Fierce Love